So this is my 100th blog post. Can you believe that? I've been writing this blog for almost 15 months. Thank you for continuing to show up for my ramblings and musings.
I think that it is incredibly fitting that I hit the century mark as I am poised to make an exciting announcement. (Drum roll please...)
I have a release date for my book!
Four Seasons for Charlotte will be available in wide release on May 15th of this year. The book is already available for pre-order on Amazon and Barnes and Noble. I searched for it today and found it! How exciting is that? Electronic versions of the book will also be available.
We will also sell copies through the CJSTUF website. I am also excited to let you know that 50% of all of my royalties from sales of the book will go directly to CJSTUF. We will have details about a release party and some local signings coming soon.
As some of you noticed via my announcement on Twitter and Facebook on Friday, I am currently sending advance reader copies of the book via PDF to members of the media, bloggers, and others willing to review the book. If you are interested in this, please contact me directly. I know I disappointed a few of you on Friday when I teased that PDF copies were available. Unless you have media credentials, you don't get a sneak peek just yet. Even my mother hasn't read the book yet! Just a few more months!
The other exciting development is that I am now an official Goodreads author. If you are on this social networking site, check me (and the book) out. You can officially add it to your "to-read" list and follow all upcoming announcements (including this blog) there. I will probably do a giveaway or two in April or May so stay tuned.
I think that it is incredibly fitting that I hit the century mark as I am poised to make an exciting announcement. (Drum roll please...)
I have a release date for my book!
Four Seasons for Charlotte will be available in wide release on May 15th of this year. The book is already available for pre-order on Amazon and Barnes and Noble. I searched for it today and found it! How exciting is that? Electronic versions of the book will also be available.
We will also sell copies through the CJSTUF website. I am also excited to let you know that 50% of all of my royalties from sales of the book will go directly to CJSTUF. We will have details about a release party and some local signings coming soon.
As some of you noticed via my announcement on Twitter and Facebook on Friday, I am currently sending advance reader copies of the book via PDF to members of the media, bloggers, and others willing to review the book. If you are interested in this, please contact me directly. I know I disappointed a few of you on Friday when I teased that PDF copies were available. Unless you have media credentials, you don't get a sneak peek just yet. Even my mother hasn't read the book yet! Just a few more months!