While strolling ( not trolling) through some of my favorite blogs, I found a fun new meme on Avitable's website. It seems he got the idea from The Verdant Dude . The gist of the meme is to put each letter of the alphabet into your browser and see what website comes up. If you're working in Chrome or Firefox, you will get a pretty accurate collection of your most frequently visited websites. As I type this, I haven't even tried it yet so I have no idea what is going to come up. I promise to share my results just as I find them. Drum roll please... A - The official ABC website . I will admit that I have been catching up on Desperate Housewives lately. How is it all going to end? B - The CJSTUF blog (since the official web address is blog.cjstuf.org) C - The CJSTUF website . No surprise there. D -Google Docs. I use it a lot for work. E -My Eagle Rare Life entry . All that daily voting certainly paid off! F -Th...
My periodic musings on life.