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Follow Friday: Who's Your Mommy?

For this week's Follow Friday, I'm going to highlight a few of my favorite "mom" sites out there on the web.  You've already learned about Miss Britt.  She's still cruising up the east coast and getting ready to hit Boston in September. 

One of my other favorite "mom-bloggers" is Alex at Late Enough. This talented Richmond mom is smart and funny. Her blogs are entertaining, insightful, and frequently touching. Plus we share a passion for Zombies and Angry Birds.   Her blog was one of my inspirations to start my own. 

Speaking of Richmond, if you live in the Richmond area and you are a mom, you definitely need to know about RichmondMom.  Kate Hall is an amazing entrepreneur who has built a fabulous resource for all things related to parenting in the #RVA.  I recently wrote an article for her website so now you have even more reason to check it out. 

Finally, check out the world of FreeAnissa. Anissa Mayhew is not just a mom blogger. She's a force of nature! First of all, she's mom to a pediatric cancer survivor so she's already tops in my book. She now runs multiple websites on the Internet, all while facing her own medical challenges.  I think she totally rocks. She's also currently in the running for an internet contest that benefits charity so check out her blog and vote for Anissa. By the way, I'm not just saying all of this because she's now my new boss over at Insert Eyeroll.  It never hurts to suck up, though, right? I need all the help I can get. It's a tough crowd.

Happy Weekend and Happy Reading!

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