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Seeking Balance

I am finally sitting down to write a blog after almost three weeks of absence.  It's not like I didn't have things to say. The word "blog" has been on my to-do list every since we returned from Boone.  

It just didn't happen.  

Every time I would set out to write, something else would get in the way.  I was busy in my new job, which has involved some long hours and hectic days of late. I was busy keeping things updated with CJSTUF, getting preparations going for our various fundraisers, including the upcoming Art Auction this October.  I was rehearsing (or playing) at ComedySportz.  

I did happen to find enough time to write a piece for Richmond Mom about the latest news at Chick-fil-A.  That seemed to light a fire in the discussion boards.  

Oh, and somewhere in all of this I was trying to find moments to relax. 

Fungal Rock BalanceAt times like this, I realize that the amounts of time and energy at my disposal are finite and precious.  There is a cost for everything that I do. If I spend more time at work, it pulls me from the energy that I can devote to CJSTUF. For every minute I spend reading a new book, that is time not spent writing.  For every hour that I spend at ComedySportz, it is one less hour that I could be promoting my book or exercising or having coffee with an old friend.  Oh, and somewhere in all of this, I still have to grocery shop, fix some meals, and maybe clean the house once in a while.  I haven't quite achieved the rockstar status that allows me to hire "help".  

I want to do all of those things.  Yes, I even want to cook and clean. I find energy and renewal in the balance of it all.  If the scales are tipped too far in one direction, it doesn't quite feel right.  The challenge is in making the choices for what, when, and how on a day to day basis.  

I am almost certain that I am not alone in this struggle.  Almost everyone I know wrestles regularly with the challenge of work/life balance.  

Today, I decided to focus on a few things. Today, writing was one task (along with laundry, some organizing, and reading) that I was able to cross off the list.  Today, I refuse to strive for perfection. I will only strive for balance.    

Photo credit: :mrMark:

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