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Follow Friday: A few new favorites

Happy Friday! What a busy few weeks it has been.  Considering today may be the end of the world...again...I guess everyone is just trying to make the most of it.  If you missed my Instructions for the Apocalypse the first time the world was supposed to end this year, you can catch a refresher. No reason to leave the Earth unprepared.  

In case the world doesn't end today, here are a few books to add to your reading list:

Clara and Mr. TiffanyClara and Mr. Tiffany by Susan Vreeland
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

What a great read! I have always been fascinated by Louis Comfort Tiffany's artwork and I thoroughly enjoyed this novel of historical fiction. Told from the perspective of Clara Driscoll, one of the lead designers for Tiffany's windows and lamps, the story was built on the historical information left from the day (personal correspondence and other documents). I loved the author's meticulous detail in describing the methods by which the women created these amazing works of art. It was also interesting to see the issues of the day around equality and safety in the workplace, the rise of unions and rights of employees, and personal propriety as the world left the Victorian era and entered the 20th century. Vreeland's rich detail allowed me to enter the world of NYC at the dawn of skyscrapers, electricity, and subway cars; a time when New Jersey still embodied its motto as "The Garden State."

The only thing that would have made this novel more enriching would have been actual pictures of some of the windows or artwork discussed within the story to give a visual representation of the creations. I did, however, think frequently of the Tiffany exhibit that I saw recently at the VMFA as I read the book.

Miss Peregrine's Home for Peculiar ChildrenMiss Peregrine's Home for Peculiar Children by Ransom Riggs
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Speaking of pictures...this was such an interesting illustrated work of fiction! I read this book in a matter of days because it was such an engaging story. This well written mystery was quite the page-turner. The eerie vintage photographs added an extra layer of intrigue and creativity to the story and I applaud the author for his unique use of illustrations as a way to bring depth to the tale. Who are the children in the pictures? Why does Jacob keep seeing strange things? Is he going crazy? Or were his grandfather's "tall tales" more truth than fiction? The ending leaves open the option for a sequel (or even a series of stories). I would welcome more tales by Ransom Riggs!

If you want to see more of the books I review on Goodreads, you can check out my a link on my new website:  I also share my favorite blogs and a few of my Pandora playlists on the My Favorite Things page.  Have a happy weekend!

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