Do you miss me? I miss blogging. I miss having time to write on this blog. It's just not in the cards right now. As I mentioned last week, life has been busy . The good news is that it's all good stuff. I'm so excited about the CJSTUF Art Auction tonight . I've also been busy being satirical at Insert Eyeroll and imparting my knowledge on a variety of topics at Richmond Mom. My recent article about pediatric cancer received an interesting response from a representative of the Children's Cancer Research Fund. You should check out her comments and my response. Add your own two cents while you're there. I'm distracting myself in my own blog. Back on topic. So what else is distracting me from blogging? I'm continuing to work on the book. I went through another major edit over the weekend. Back to the publisher for more ideas, tweaks, and suggestions. We have some importan...
My periodic musings on life.