As the media reeled this week with stories of disaster in Oklahoma, I was especially touched by a story I heard on NPR last Thursday . The Phillips family knows what it is like to experience loss. In 1999, they lost their home to another tornado that hit the Moore area. They rebuilt two miles away only to see their home destroyed by this latest natural disaster. An aerial view of some of the Moore, Oklahoma destruction. (Source) The entire family is safe and sound. Nobody was hurt. Nobody died. But they have essentially lost everything. A hall closet filled with linens seems to be the only structure that escaped the scene relatively unscathed. As I listened to this family speak with cracking voices, you could hear that combination of resilience and sadness that inhabits those who grieve. Rena Phillips told the NPR reporter, " I ran last time, I'm not running again," she says. "It's like why run? You know I still had a little fear, but God...
My periodic musings on life.