So unless you've been completely out of the loop for the last 6 months or so, you know that Roger and I have been in the process of training and approval to become Resource Parents (foster/adoptive parents) with UMFS . On Wednesday, we crossed another threshold with our "opening meeting". At this meeting, we signed all the final paperwork (Yes. MORE paperwork!) to become Resource Parents. Now we wait. We could have opened our home immediately. In fact, they told us that they have some referrals "in mind" for us already. However, we needed to get through the holiday season and (more importantly), January 7th before officially opening our home. I know that these dates and anniversaries will come our way again; however, Roger and I both felt that it was important to get our minds set before welcoming a new child into our home. Am I excited? Yes. Am I terrified? Heck, yes! But most parents are when waiting for a child to enter the...
My periodic musings on life.