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A new meme: Browser ABCs

While strolling (not trolling) through some of my favorite blogs, I found a fun new meme on Avitable's website.  It seems he got the idea from The Verdant Dude. The gist of the meme is to put each letter of the alphabet into your browser and see what website comes up. If you're working in Chrome or Firefox, you will get a pretty accurate collection of your most frequently visited websites.  As I type this, I haven't even tried it yet so I have no idea what is going to come up. I promise to share my results just as I find them. Drum roll please...

A-The official ABC website.  I will admit that I have been catching up on Desperate Housewives lately. How is it all going to end?

B-The CJSTUF blog (since the official web address is

C-The CJSTUF website. No surprise there.  

D-Google Docs.  I use it a lot for work. 

E-My Eagle Rare Life entry. All that daily voting certainly paid off!

F-There's this thing called Facebook.  Maybe you've heard of it. 

G-Yeah, and then there's gmail. I'm getting to be fairly predictable here. 

H-This took me to the list serve group page for the Fredericksburg Area Autism Action Group, a community group I work with as part of my job with Commonwealth Autism Service
I-This blog. Again, no surprise.

J-The James River Writers group. I've recently started following their events and activities and they have all kinds of monthly networking opportunities.  Now I just have to find time to participate in them.

K-Klout.  Yet another social media tool that sucks our time and turns those of us in the blogosphere into narcissists and attention hounds (if we weren't there already).  I have gotten a few cool perks from the site, though.  What's your +K score?

L-Linked In.  My name is Rachel. I think I'm addicted to social media.  

M-Google Maps. 

N-Netflix.  Since we dropped the cable last year,this is the source of most of my evening entertainment.  

O- Work email. 

P-The generic PBS website.  My source for Downton Abbey when I need to play catch up!

Q- This took me to a web query I did on the IRS website.  Apparently I was searching for additional forms for our CJSTUF 990.

R-My website.  The runner up was the always funny Some eCards site.  Visit daily for a dose of humor.

S-The website we were using to check our Internet speed back when Verizon kept messing things up in December.  I spent a lot of time with tech support. 

T-Do I have to tell you that it's Twitter

U- The Postal Service website.  I look up a lot of zip codes.

V-Verizon. See letter S for more information on that. Runner up was Virginia Blood Services.  I donate platelets frequently. 

W- The Weather Channel website.  Since I don't have cable, it's my instant source for the latest forecast.

X- XL Design 4U. This local business does a lot of our printing and promotional work for CJSTUF.  They do a great job and Lori donates 10% back to CJSTUF for any orders that mention our organization.  If you live in the Richmond area and need promotional or printing items, check them out. 

Y-Yes.  It's You Tube. No. I am not a Reply Girl

Z- Damn you, Verizon! You are undeserving of my time, energy, or browser space!

What does your web browser say about you?

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