I am such a creature of habit. I like to be spontaneous and switch it up every once in a while but, on the whole, I like ritual. My breakfast is almost always one of two choices: yogurt or oatmeal with fruit and coffee. I drive the same route to and from work every day. When I come home, it's the same routine again: shoes off, coat and keys on the hook, feed the cats, get the mail (usually in that order). When we received Charlotte's initial diagnosis of brain cancer two years ago, our routine was disrupted in a major way. Our world turned upside down. Our life for the next year gave us little in the way of regularity. Living one day at a time was all we could do because treatment protocols, unexpected hospitalizations, and 8 week stints in Houston, Texas kind of put a crimp in your style for maintaining regular routines. The control freak in me was not happy. Somehow, we managed to find new routines within the chaos. The plan still s...
My periodic musings on life.