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Cracking the Code

Communication is fascinating.  I probably wouldn't be a speech language pathologist if I didn't think this was true but I feel that it bears repeating.  Today I want to talk about code-switching

In layman's terms, code-switching is what we do when we use terminology, slang, or certain elements of language with one group of people and then switch when we encounter and communicate with a different group.  We engage in this phenomenon on a daily basis and some people are more proficient at it than others. 

Sometimes this happens when two languages merge.  Those of you who have spent much time in Florida, Arizona, Calfornia, or Texas know the joys of Spanglish.  Once in college, Roger was called from the waiting room of the student health center and the nurse said, "Royer! Please come to room one-oh-seis (six)."  That's Spanglish. 

Code switching happens when both parties are communicating in English as well.  If you've ever accompanied your significant other to a work-related party and you find many of the attendees are "talking shop", sometimes you might feel like you're hearing a foreign language and half the conversation goes over your head.  Professions that come to mind include engineers, computer programmers, and physicians.  Your loved one may need to code-switch or translate some of the jargon so that you can stay included in the conversation. 

Another great example is how we switch our language style depending on the group of people with whom we are communicating.  You probably wouldn't talk to a group of 3-year olds the same way you would talk to a middle school science class.  You probably wouldn't speak with your boss at work the same way you chat with your girlfriends during a weekend in Las Vegas. 

Notice I said probably.  Masterful code-switching is an art. I think it's a lot like spelling or musicianship.  You can always learn how to improve your skill and some people can make improvements with extensive practice, but those who excel have a natural talent.  Each group of communicators has their own set of rules, slang, and patterns for speaking and the best communicators crack the code no matter who they talk to.  The best code-switchers are just as comfortable with a group of business executives as they are with their daughter's preschool class and they can still show up at the club at the end of the day and party with the punks. 

This brings me to today's story.  I had a recent encounter with a very poor code switcher.  As you know, I'm currently transitioning into my new job.  As part of the process, I took a tour of the two school districts, meeting the people with whom I would be working.  The person who I am replacing was conducting the tour so we had a good bit of time to talk as we drove from Ashland to Caroline and Westmoreland counties (and back).  What surprised me the most about this encounter was this individual's propensity for cursing.  

Now, those of you who know me well know that I can curse like a sailor. There are very few words or phrases that offend me and I have no problem letting a 4-letter word or two fly when the occasion warrants it. 

[side note: no surprise that one of Charlotte's first words was crap.   She used it appropriately and in context by the time she was a year old.  I was obviously trying to watch my language so the PG version of shit had left my vocabulary.  Apparently crap did not]. 

I do, however, know when and where I should curse.  I rarely curse in front of people who don't know me well and especially if it is within a professional context.  I never curse in a school setting, even if kids aren't in the room.  I just think that those are part of the rules of communication.  This individual seemed to think otherwise.  In all other ways, he was completely competent in his job and definitely knew what he was doing.  He just used a lot of epithets in the process.  Fascinating.

I think a lot of uncomfortable social interactions can be attributed to poor code-switching.  I find it interesting because it's one of those things that nobody ever really teaches explicitly but it is so vital to how we communicate with one another.  For the next week, see if you can catch yourself in different social situations and gauge your ability to code-switch.  I can't wait to get a full report!

Signing of as your friendly, neighborhood SLP...

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