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2011 in Review

So here we are on the penultimate day of the year. I survived the Christmas holiday. I even went to church. More on that in a future post (possibly). The last week or so has been a wonderful combination of relaxing and productive. I admit that I haven't blogged much but I've been busy with other projects at home.  

In thinking about the close of the year, I considered a collection of lists. I've been enjoying all the other Top 10 Lists populating the Internet these days but when I considered my own, I felt horribly inadequate.

I've only seen from 1/3 to 1/2 of the movies that people are talking about on their 10 best list. I don't think I even saw 10 movies in the theater this year. I wouldn't be a good authority on movies.

I've read a lot of books this year but I've already reviewed those books on my blog. You can always find me on Goodreads to get an idea of what I liked or didn't like. 

Music. Well, I listen to a lot of music and my taste is certainly eclectic. However, other than Adele, I can't name too many new artists who absolutely knocked my socks of this year. And she's on EVERYONE's list. I will put in a plug here for Goat Rodeo. Totally cool musicians doing some really unique things. Check that one out. I can't give you a top 10 list, though. 

So I won't bore you or try to reinvent the wheel with any year-end lists. 

As I was reviewing my own events from the year, I realized that so many of my defining moments revolved around writing. It seems that 2011 was the year I became a writer.  To review:

  • I started a blog. You're here and reading it now. Thanks for coming to the party!
  • The blog has led to other writing opportunities. I have explored my satirical side at Insert Eyeroll and get to share my perspective on all kinds of topics at Richmond Mom.  I even got to hang with "real" journalists and cover the auto industry for a day. That was a trip!
  • I finished the draft of my memoir, signed a contract with Palari Publishing, and spent numerous hours working on edits for my upcoming book, Four Seasons for Charlotte.  We are looking at a March 2012 release. I'm so excited!
  • I was asked to contribute an essay to the December issue of Richmond Magazine. It was a short piece but a great opportunity to put myself "out there" as a writer. 
While it is still not my primary vocation, I can say with confidence that I AM A WRITER. I can't remember the exact quote, but I read something this year and the author said writing doesn't happen when you "sit down" to write. It's a constant process. I might not have related to that a year ago but I totally understand that now. I find myself thinking about writing almost constantly. I work out blog posts during my long walks or morning commutes. I find myself looking at events and thinking, "How can I write about that? What do I have to say about this issue or that story?" Sometimes I just wake up in the middle of the night and say, "I have to write about this." It's an interesting perspective. 

Thanks to writing, my life has been filled with new friends (real and virtual) and some amazing experiences in 2011. Thanks to you (dear readers), I have an audience. I'm looking forward to 2012 and seeing how the process continues to make me a better writer and a better person. 

See you next year!

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