Well it's my birthday too!
Not quite, but soon!
Okay, with apologies to the Beatles, my birthday is approaching. I am not telling you this because I want presents or lavish parties. In fact, I would prefer to not make my birthday a big deal. It's not a significant year and, quite frankly, I have plenty of physical reminders that I am getting older.
I do have a few wishes, though.
If you would like to give something in honor of my birthday, please consider making a donation in my honor to Autism Speaks. Our school is participating in the upcoming walk on September 29th and I would like your help and support. Autism Speaks does a lot to help families managing the difficult diagnosis of an autism spectrum disorder with research, advocacy, and family support. You can follow this link to make a donation. Take the $5 you would spend on a beer or a card for me and give it to them.
If you have even more money to burn, you can always donate to some of my other favorite charities:
Make-A-Wish Foundation
St. Judes Children's Hospital
My birth month is also Pediatric Cancer Awareness month, after all. Save your pink ribbons for October and bring out your GOLD!
If you have no money or would rather not spend it on me, that's ok. I still have two more requests: I need your vote!
I am still in the running for the Eagle Rare contest this year. Voting goes until January and you can vote every 24 hours. You don't have to register on the website and you don't have to give anyone your email address. Just click every day and share with your friends. With your help, we can win $30K for CJSTUF but it will take everyone's votes every day.
Also I was just named a regional semi-finalist for the Lady Godiva Award. This prize, given by the chocolate company of the same name, could help CJSTUF get up to $10,000! Voting for this contest is from August 28-September 26. You do have to register on this site but it's pretty easy. I would really appreciate your help.
As my birthday approaches (it's September 11th, by the way, for those who don't know), I may remind you a time or two. Thanks, friends!
Not quite, but soon!
Okay, with apologies to the Beatles, my birthday is approaching. I am not telling you this because I want presents or lavish parties. In fact, I would prefer to not make my birthday a big deal. It's not a significant year and, quite frankly, I have plenty of physical reminders that I am getting older.
I do have a few wishes, though.
If you have even more money to burn, you can always donate to some of my other favorite charities:
Make-A-Wish Foundation
St. Judes Children's Hospital
My birth month is also Pediatric Cancer Awareness month, after all. Save your pink ribbons for October and bring out your GOLD!
If you have no money or would rather not spend it on me, that's ok. I still have two more requests: I need your vote!
I am still in the running for the Eagle Rare contest this year. Voting goes until January and you can vote every 24 hours. You don't have to register on the website and you don't have to give anyone your email address. Just click every day and share with your friends. With your help, we can win $30K for CJSTUF but it will take everyone's votes every day.
Also I was just named a regional semi-finalist for the Lady Godiva Award. This prize, given by the chocolate company of the same name, could help CJSTUF get up to $10,000! Voting for this contest is from August 28-September 26. You do have to register on this site but it's pretty easy. I would really appreciate your help.
As my birthday approaches (it's September 11th, by the way, for those who don't know), I may remind you a time or two. Thanks, friends!