With our discussion around Mad Men still "on the brain" I thought I would share some favorite advertising campaigns that I have seen recently.
If that weren't enough, the detachable coupons are interchangeable so you can make your own original haikus with distinct meanings. Check out some of my original creations:
Saucy, eh? |
I think I just entered Haiku Nirvana |
Before I show the next ad, I will run the disclaimer that I am not a Wal-Mart fan. I don't shop there and I will never shop there if another option is available. This commercial, however, made me laugh out loud. Bravo, Martin Agency.
Finally, while it's not a recent advertising campaign, I would have to say that one of my favorite series of commercials are the Dos Equis "most interesting man in the world" spots. Some of my favorite lines:
"Sharks have a week dedicated to him."
"If he were to pat you on the back, you'd put it on your resume."
"He has dissected frogs that are alive and happy to this day."
"He is the only man to ever ace a Rorschach test."
Don Draper would definitely approve.