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Follow Friday: Slightly Subversive

In an effort to lighten the mood after that last post, this week's Follow Friday is going to focus on the funny side. We're not, however, going to talk about slapstick or dry wit or Smurfs.  No, folks, we're going to the darker side of funny.

These bits of pop culture are most definitely Not Suitable for Work
But they're hilarious.
At least, I think they are.

Roger and I recently discovered the cartoon Archer. It airs on FX and is currently in its second season. The first season is now streaming on Netflix. What is Archer? Imagine if a James Bond movie and The Office had a baby. Sterling Archer is secret agent for Isis. He's suave, handsome, and a bit of a letch. Ok, he's a HUGE letch. He's also not that great at his job. While he's off trying to save the world, the rest of the office crew from the comptroller to the tech geeks to the HR director get into the kind of office hi-jinks that only a spy agency could procure. There's sex, drugs, violence, and dark humor. What's not to love?

Speaking of violence, a movie that made its way into our queue recently was Kick Ass. If you love Tarantino-style movies, ultra violence, and superhero stories with a bit of a twist, this movie lives up to its name. In this film, the kids are the true heroes.  The battle scenes are expertly choreographed and Chloe Grace Moretz is an amazing pint sized actress. I expect to see her star on the rise. 

If violence is not your thing but you still lean towards the darkly comic, I offer Homestar Runner.  This website has been around since the late 90s and became a cult hit of sorts in the early "naughties". I think we discovered it by word of mouth.  Homestar Runner is a sweet little puppet who's a few sandwiches short of a picnic. With a cast of characters, the website offers funny videos and silly games. If you are a child of the 80s, you will totally dig the games section. The site hasn't been updated in a while but there is SO much content, you could be there for quite a while. It's always good for a giggle.  On your first visit to the site, be sure to click on the first time here button.  


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